COVID-19 Resources

Covid-19 in Southern Africa

In collaboration with partners, maHp is developing a media monitoring project on migration, health and Coronavirus. With a focus on Southern Africa, we will collate and share resources and media relating to migration and Coronavirus.

Covid-19 Resources

The ‘covidisation’ of migration and health research

In this erudite research handbook, ACMS/maHp postdoctoral researcher Dr Thea de Gruchy and colleagues draw together the latest research on migration, gender and COVID-19, to contribute towards a better understanding of the immediate and longer-term implications of the pandemic on gender dynamics and roles in international migration.

WEBINAR: Impact of Covid-19 on migrants

On 4 April, the IOM and MMC second webinar on the ‘Impact of COVID-19 on Migrants’ explored how the pandemic affected migration dynamics in East Africa. ACMS director Professor Jo Vearey was one of the speakers. Watch the video and download the slides here.

OP-ED: COVID affected access to HIV treatment: the stories of migrant women in South Africa show how

South Africa has made massive strides in the fight against HIV. One of the country’s flagship interventions has been the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. Nevertheless, South Africa still has the world’s largest HIV epidemic. It’s estimated that 7.5 million people in the country have HIV. Women of reproductive age account for more than half of this number – 4.8 million.

VIDEO: Framing migration during the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa: a 12-month media monitoring project

At the International Journal of Press/Politics Virtual Conference (13-16 September 2021), maHp/African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS, Wits University) postdoctoral fellow Thea de Gruchy presented a paper (co-authored with Thulie Zikhali, Jo Vearey and Johanna Hanefeld) titled: ‘Framing migration during the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa: a 12-month media monitoring project’.

MiCoSA Issue Brief #4 – Migration and Covid-19: New and continuing concerns with South Africa’s response to the pandemic

This is the fourth in a series of issue briefs that explores the implications of Covid-19 and the South African response to the pandemic on migration and for migrant and mobile communities in South Africa.

Five key take home messages from the high-level dialogue on Covid-19 vaccine access for migrant and mobile populations in South Africa

The Migration and Coronavirus in Southern Africa Coordination Group (MiCoSA) recently (on 25th August) held a high-level dialogue on the access of the Covid-19 vaccine for migrant and mobile populations in South Africa.

Covid-19 and People on the Move in Africa

This week’s issue of ACCORD’s Covid-19 Conflict and Resilience Monitor features a piece from ACMS. The article reflects on the impact of Covid-19 on marginalised populations which include migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people (IDPs), who have been some of the worst affected during the pandemic.

Covid-19 and Migration Governance in Africa

This is the second in a series of occasional papers that explore the implications of Covid-19 and responses to the pandemic on migration and for migrant and mobile communities on the African continent.

MiCoSA Issue Brief #3 – Migration and Disability in South Africa: Considering the impacts of Covid-19

This is the third in a series of issue briefs that explores the implications of Covid-19 and the South African response to the pandemic on migration and for migrant and mobile communities in South Africa.

Migrants and the Covid-19 Vaccine Roll-out in Africa: Hesitancy and Exclusion

This occasional paper examines the current state of the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out in Africa (as of June 2021), with a particular focus on the attitude and behaviour of states and other key stakeholders towards the inclusion of international migrants.
