Maternal and Child Health
This research project focuses on the nexus between migration and urban health in the context of urban inequality, health inequity, xenophobia and anti-foreigner sentiments in South Africa and Johannesburg in particular.
The central focus is on how the inner-city urban space influences maternal healthcare experiences of migrant Zimbabwean and South African women during pregnancy and child birth in Johannesburg. Women who are relying on the public healthcare system because they are without medical aid, are unemployed or employed informally. The project will employ interviews and diary techniques to understand women’s experiences.
Women have special health needs which are primarily related to their reproductive health. Thus basically this project views these women as on the urban margins, healthcare margins and socially marginalized because of their migrant and reproductive status.

- Reflections on the “Analysing Patient Mobility, Migration and Health” workshop - April 11, 2017
- Maternal and Child Health - December 8, 2016
- Tackson Makandwa - December 3, 2016