Sex Worker Poster Project (2017)
The Sex Worker Poster Project took the multiple stories generated through the Sex Worker Zine Project as the starting point to create advocacy messages in the form of posters. The zine stories provided an entry point to guide the conceptualisation of advocacy messages related to aspects of participants’ lives. Posters, however, are very different communication mechanisms to zines. While zines offer page sequences through which nuanced messages can emerge in a relationship of image and text, posters need to be a bit more direct in getting their messages across. The choices around design, and the relationship between image and text are crucially important for posters. This is because posters need to be visually appealing to be able to catch the eye of the people they are meant to inform, and they need to be clear in the visual-narrative message that is being presented. Similar to the zine project, however, we intended the Sex Worker Poster Project to produce multiple messages that challenge any notion of a single story about the practice of selling sex. In the Sex Worker Poster Project, therefore, the challenge was to create messages that were shorter than those of the zines, but were still directed at specific issues that are relevant to, and pertinent in the complex lived experiences of migrants who sell sex as work.
The Sex Worker Poster Project is still in its production phase, with the initial workshops having taken place in Nelspruit and Makhado (see A productive tension in the messages from Nelspruit and Makhado).
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