This scoping review has been undertaken in order to improve understanding of the state of knowledge in the field of migration and health in the WHO-AFRO region.
Read moreIn this journal article maHp/ACMS associate Zaheera Jinnah explores precarity as a conceptual framework to understand the intersection of migration and low-waged work in the global south.
Read moreIn this paper, maHp doctoral researcher Kuda Vanyoro, seeks to understand how Civil Society Organisations in South Africa facilitate the stay and protection of Zimbabwean migrant domestic workers (MDWs) through their activism.
Read moreSome people are needed but undesirable. When ‘rich’ industrialised countries experience labour shortages, they turn to ‘poor’ developing countries and their people to fill these gaps. This is the premise of the documentary film The Workers Cup: Inside the Labor Camps of Qatar a Tournament for Workers.
Read moreWe invite you to the screening of the documentary The Workers Cup: Inside The Labor Camps of Qatar A Tournament for Workers, which will be followed by a discussion with one of the producers of the documentary Ramzy Haddad.
Read moremaHp/ ACMS researcher Zaheera Jinnah reports on the National Dialogue on Migration, which was recently held in Swaziland.
Read moreThe latest maHp research collaboration with Security at the Margins (SeaM) sought to understand the labour and health/wellbeing conditions that informal artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) communities on the periphery of Johannesburg reside in (download the full report here).
Read moreIn this project we examine one form of informal work, small scale and artisanal mining and explore its connection to the urban economi(es), both formal and informal.
Read moreOn the western periphery of Johannesburg, with the famous skyline of the city silhouetted in the early morning sun, Bongani is beginning another day of work.
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