Towards a framework for multisector and multilevel collaboration: case of HIV and AIDS governance in South Africa
Pinky Mahlangu, Jane Goudge, and Jo Vearey (2019), ‘Towards a framework for multisector and multilevel collaboration: case of HIV and AIDS governance in South Africa‘, Global Health Action, Volume 12: Issue 1, DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2019.1617393.
While multisectoral action (MSA) is advocated as one of the strategies to address complex health and development challenges, there is limited clarity about the process of multisector collaboration in practice. Informed by the findings of the research on implementation of the multisectoral response to HIV in South Africa, and drawing from the existing literature; the authors propose a framework for multisector and multilevel collaboration. The framework describes key components of the process of multisector collaboration, and aims to inform policy and practice. The framework does not suggest that multisector collaboration is a panacea, but that MSA remains critical to address complex health and development issues. Focus should be on finding innovative ways to inform and strengthen its implementation in practice.
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