Beyond the single story: creative research approaches with migrant sex workers in South Africa

Oliveira, E. and Vearey, J. (2017) Beyond the single story: creative research approaches with migrant sex workers in South Africa Families, Relationships and Societies. [DOI:]

In this contribution, Elsa Oliveira and Jo Vearey, researchers at the African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS) at Witswatersrand University, and founders of the MoVE method:visual:explore project, share insights into why we need to think differently about ways of doing research with marginalised migrant groups – including migrant sex workers in South Africa.

About Elsa Oliveira

Elsa Oliveira is a postdoctoral researcher at the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS), Wits University, where she is also the co-coordinator of the MoVE (methods:visual:explore) project.

Since 2010, Elsa has been involved in a wide range of participatory arts-based projects with diverse migrant populations in rural and urban areas of South Africa. She has a PhD in Migration and Displacement and is interested in the areas of gender, migration, sexualities, wellbeing, and informal livelihood strategies.
